| 1. | Most of these children come from broken families 这些孩子中的多数人来自婚姻破裂的家庭。 |
| 2. | May maggie cheung - she s from a broken family . she decides to be a cabaret hostess to help her mother Gigi锺楚红的丈夫因亏空公款而下狱, gigi为 |
| 3. | In his song " dad , i am back " , the subject is a broken family . " i heard that after war , there is peace 或许是从小与孤独为邻,他的音乐成熟有重量并且耐听,有着一股超乎他年层的生命。 |
| 4. | However , the only son or daughter from broken families , though innocent , will suffer the unhappiness and misfortune their parents have left 然而解体家庭无辜的独生子女,却要遭受他们父母亲所造成的不幸。 |
| 5. | A young souvenir peddler recounters the travails of his own broken family as he rummages through photos of his beloved mother 老的一个是佃农,在吴哥窟做修缮小工,穷得没法供儿子上学,只盼心爱公鸡斗鸡赢了赚点钱。 |
| 6. | Children from broken families are the most inclined to turn to drinking or smoking as a means of escaping from their unhappy home environments 来自破碎家庭的孩子最容易将酗酒与吸烟作为逃避不幸家庭环境的一种方式。 |
| 7. | Is a depressing , but meaningful movie . i sincerely feel sympathetic towards the little boy who has to suffer because of the broken family 对我来说,甫在金马称霸的父子,显露了电影之所以是电影,最最最宝贵的价值。 |
| 8. | But a black underclass is also evident : people who are trapped in poverty by failed schools , broken families and endemic crime 但是,黑人中的社会低层也很显著:由于教育失败,父母离异或者地方犯罪,很多还在贫困中挣扎。 |
| 9. | But opponents believe the casino will bring with it social costs , such as a rise in the number of gambling addicts , broken families and crime 但反对者认为,赌场将同时带来社会成本,比如赌博上瘾者、家庭破裂和犯罪等数量的增加。 |
| 10. | May maggie cheung - she s from a broken family . she decides to be a cabaret hostess to help her mother . she falls in love May张曼玉出身于一个破碎的家庭,为了钱决定下海伴舞,机缘下,结识银行经理共堕爱河,但不?世俗压力终告分手。 |